Thursday, April 02, 2009

Wayne Dyer in Toronto

I'm going to hear Wayne Dyer at the "You Can Do It" conference at the Toronto Conference Center tomorrow. I've been reading his books and listening to his tapes for years. I imagine that real life Dyer will be even more inspirational with all the positive energy that this event is bound to inspire.

From the program description:

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, affectionately called the “father of inspiration” by his fans, is one of the most widely known and respected teachers in the field of self-development. He’s the author of more than 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and The New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration and Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life have all been featured as National Public Television specials. Wayne holds a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York. His latest books include Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Your Ultimate Calling and the forthcoming Excuses Begone, which will be released in June 2009. Wayne’s new movie, Ambition to Meaning released in January 2009.

I know his books and tapes have been helpful to me. I really looking forward to the real deal.

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