Friday, August 18, 2006

Poem: Let's Pretend

By Marcail

Let’s have a war of language and some violence-
Then we can use the warning:
Rated PG18 may be offensive to some.
We can cast the lead actors
And who may be right for supporting roles.
Don’t forget the camera angles…
And special effects.
The trailers are ready for screening;
Stay tuned-coming to a theatre near you.

3 comments: said...

Sounds fun. I like this. Who will play you?

Marcail said...

Southern Writer,

Several choices come to mind:

1. Judi Dench
2. Anne Baxter (dead though)
3. Shirley MacLean
4. Kathy Bates
5. Angelica Huston
4. Meryl Streep

How about You?

Anonymous said...

Very clever. I say cast Meryl Streep. She's pretty good playing anyone.