Thursday, February 01, 2007

SNOW ANGEL: a poem

by Marcail
Compact and crystalline.

Steely grey cloud burst
Winter, keening and howling, snapped and downed branches
Snowflake fractuals like monochromatic klaidoscope eyes
Opened to snow globe world of fluttering angel feathers,

Compact and crystalline.
Snow angel
One dimensional, frozen in flat state
worried as the sunlight caressed and
compressed the cares of the world into
impenetrable ice.

Compact and crystalline

I understood the watershed and the cycles,
The terrifying beauty of whiteout blizzards and avalanche
Once with cold-rouged cheeks cocooned in snowsuit
I trudged through thigh-deep banks
towards the shelter of a snow fort.

Compact and crystalline

I fell and hell froze over.
Surrounded by deadly snowballs
Etched snow fossil
Frozen in time.

Compact and crystalline.

1 comment:

aimlessjoys 2 said...

You have an exquisite page here! Pristine & crystalline. How lovely to find you here!