Monday, July 10, 2006

Possible promo shot

I haven't many good photos of myself. Like many, I don't like having my picture taken and often think I ressemble an exhausted maniac after long hard ride to the moon.

A friend took a number of posed photos of me for family and friends who may like a displayable shot and for my promotional requirements. I'll put them up over time. If you think the photo is good enough for a book's back cover placement, vote yes. If you prefer candid camera shots, let me know.

I favour B/W for portrait shots. How about you?


Flood said...

You simply glow in this shot and look on the verge of a giggle.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture. I feel like I know you already. You are glowing like Flood said.

Marcail said...

Thanks Flood and Fringes. Maybe blushing.